I had posted earlier about distributing stowed packages via rsync and puppet to my managed systems, but that method wasn’t quite what I wanted:
- There was one more file to manage outside my regular puppet manifests, and I’d have to remember to keep them both up to date and in sync.
- There wasn’t an easy way of ensuring that other versions of a particular package got unstowed before deploying out the desired version.
- The entire stow tree would be copied out to every system, regardless of whether OpenMPI was a good fit for the web server.
So, here’s my new method:
- Keep my same metastow module loaded on the rsync server. The metastow module contains one top-level directory per puppet architecture (i686, x86_64, etc.). Each of those architecture folders is a stow tree containing every stowed package for that architecture.
- Add a stowedpackage definition to my puppet manifests as follows:
define stowedpackage ( $basepackage, $version, $rsyncserver='gold.cae.tntech.edu', $rsyncmodule='metastow', $stowdestdir='/usr/local/stow' ) { file { "stow-initiator_${basepackage}-${version}": source => "puppet:///files/stow-initiator_${basepackage}-${version}", path => "/etc/puppet/stow-initiator_${basepackage}-${version}", } exec { download: command => "/usr/bin/rsync -a --delete ${rsyncserver}::${rsyncmodule}/${hardwaremodel}/${basepackage}-${version} ${stowdestdir}", refreshonly => true, subscribe => File["stow-initiator_${basepackage}-${version}"], alias => "download_${basepackage}-${version}" } exec { unstow-others: command => "cd ${stowdestdir} && stow --delete ${basepackage}-*", refreshonly => true, subscribe => Exec["download_${basepackage}-${version}"], alias => "unstow-others_${basepackage}-${version}" } exec { stow: command => "cd ${stowdestdir} ; stow ${basepackage}-${version}", refreshonly => true, subscribe => Exec["unstow-others_${basepackage}-${version}"] } }
- Use the stowedpackage definition in other parts of my manifests:
# Create OpenMPI installation and configuration. class openmpi { stowedpackage { "openmpi-1.0.1": basepackage=>"openmpi", version=>"1.0.1"; } }
- Add a trigger file to the puppetmaster’s /etc/puppet/files folder:
/etc/puppet/files# date > stow-initiator_openmpi-1.0.1
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