Authentication Servers, the Next Generation

I’m mildly embarrassed by my previous setup authentication servers, but this one should be a vast improvement. A reminder of the existing constraints and conditions: Lots of Linux systems and a few Solaris systems, some of which dual-boot and aren’t accessible as *nix systems during normal hours of the day An Active Directory already in …

The New File Server: Puppet and Modules

On to Puppet. I’ve not yet factored everything about the new server out into separate modules or classes; that’ll come later. But things that will either get reused on other systems (e.g., Active Directory ties) or things that need to be generated consistently and repeatedly (e.g., Amanda configurations) have been factored out. The new server’s …

The New File Server: Preseeding and LVM

Remember that no one cares if you can back up — only if you can restore. — Amanda 2.5.2 Documentation So we’ve got a new file server in the middle of initial installation and configuration. The file server is one of our most mission-critical systems — if mail goes down, a half-dozen people care. If …

Making Debian Packages from Commercial Software

One of my main goals for a managed infrastructure is to make sure I have consistent versions of end-user applications installed everywhere. My users aren’t too picky about the version of xemacs installed, but they’ve got pretty stringent requirements on having a particular version of ANSYS, Abaqus, Fluent, Maple, Matlab, and other large non-free/no-source-available software …

Client OS Update

(Original post here.) For the moment, I’m working on Debian GNU/Linux. Everything bought new (since sometime last fall) has the current stable release (4.0r0, or “etch”) installed, and everything older has the previous stable release (3.1r6, or “sarge”). Assuming that I keep apt sources for both the primary Debian archives and their security updates, the …

Client Application Management (Part 2, for stow packages)

UPDATE: this page largely superceded by the stowedpackage puppet definition. Back in part 1, I outlined how I’m getting a consistent package load on my various hosts with pkgsync and puppet. This works great for things that are already included in Debian. And I’ll make .deb packages of some of our third-party commercial applications, too …