Below is the body of message sent to TTU President Phil Oldham by TTU-AAUP Chapter President Julia Gruber, re: the recent satisfaction survey conducted by TTU-AAUP.
President Oldham:
As announced, this report summarizes the results of the survey undertaken by the TTU-AAUP in order to ascertain TTU faculty opinion regarding the general condition of the university and administrative policy. The number of respondents was 149. Given that the faculty distribution list provided by the university to disseminate the survey contained approximately 435 individuals, this number was used to determine the response rate of 34%. Along with this report we are submitting a set of copies of the 149 surveys returned by respondents. In the case of the questions, a ‘no response’ was not used in calculating the reported percentage share.
- Would you say that the university is better off than it was a year ago, or is it worse off?
Better off: 8 or 5%
Worse off: 117 or 79%
About the same: 13 or 9%
Not sure/no opinion: 10 or 7%
No response: 1
- What about your department or college? Would you say that your department or college is better or worse off than it was a year ago?
Better off: 15 or 10%
Worse off: 98 or 66%
About the same : 33 or 22%
Not sure/no opinion: 2 or !%
No response: 1
- How about your students? Would you say that they are better or worse off than they were a year ago?
Better off: 11 or 8%
Worse off: 89 or 60%
About the same: 42 or 28%
Aot sure/no opinion: 6 or 4%
No response: 1
- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Shared governance is working well at Tennessee Tech”?
Strongly agree: 2 or 1%
Agree: 5 or 3.4%
Neither agree/disagree: 5 or 3.4%
Disagree: 17 or 12%
Strongly disagree: 117 or 80%
No response: 3
- Do you have confidence in the university’s strategic planning and budgeting process?
Yes: 5 or 3%
No: 136 or 92%
Not sure/no opinion: 8 or 5%
No response: 0
- Are you confident that President Oldham is leading the university in a positive direction?
Yes: 9 or 6%
No: 123 or 84%
Not sure/no opinion: 15 or 10%
No response: 2
- Are you confident that the Administration has been upholding its responsibilities?
Yes: 9 or 6%
No: 132 or 89%
Not sure/no opinion: 8 or 5%
No response: 0
College of Respondent:
Engineering: 28 or 19%
Nursing: 6 or 4%
Education: 38 or 26%
Business: 11 or 7%
Arts & Sciences: 37 or 25%
Interdisciplinary Studies: 5 or 3.3%
Agriculture/Human Ecology: 8 or 5%
Other: 4 or 2.7%
No response: 12 or 8%