Classification Systems Materials

1.  Table salt, Morton’s standard blue container, the mineral halite having a composition of NaCl (sodium Chloride). Tastes salty. Halite grows as cubic crystals and also breaks as cubes.

2.  Hematite, mineral with a composition of Fe2O3 (Iron Oxide), non-metallic-earthy luster, rounded structures are called oolites.

3.  Petrified palm wood with tree rings. All woody material replaced by quartz with a composition of SiO2

4.  Granite, gray, igneous rock, phaneritic (coarse grained) composed of the minerals quartz and potash feldspar (orthoclase).

5.  Quartz stream pebbles, rounded by action of the stream

6.  Terazzo, sawed slab from floor of University Center

7.  Halite as comes from ground. Shape due to breakage

8.  Native copper as comes from ground.

9.  Quartz, milky, as comes from the ground

10.  Granite, gray, sawed with diamond saw

11.  Concrete, part of sidewalk torn up just south of Kittrell Hall. Quicklime plus quartz sand plus limestone aggregate.

12.  Marble, metamorphic rock, non-oriented mineral grains, composed of the mineral calcite, CaCO3

13.  Obsidian, igneous rock, glassy texture, no minerals

14.  Fossiliferous limestone, sedimentary rock, precipitated from sea water, made up of the mineral calcite.

15.  Pyrite, metallic mineral composed of FeS2, shape due to growth, also called Fool’s gold.

16.  Glass slag, product of smelting iron ores near the Tennessee River during the Civil War.

17.  Graphite, mineral composed of carbon (C), looks like a metal. Feels slippery.

18.  Calcite, mineral composed of CaCO3, shape due to breakage.

19.  Silicon, man-made composed of Si, looks like a metal but is not very heavy. Not to be confused with silica, silicate, or silicone.

20.  Corundum, mineral composed of Al2O3 (aluminum oxide), six-sided shape due to growth.

21.   Galena, mineral that looks like a metal, very heavy, grows in shape of cubes, breaks in shape of cubes.

22.   Whetstone, a slightly metamorphosed rock composed of microcrystalline quartz, used to sharpen knives.

23.   Quartz beach sand from Panama City, Florida.

24.  Obsidian beach sand from Hawaii.

25.  Magnetite, mineral composed of Fe3O4 (iron oxide), fairly heavy, magnetic.

26.  Hard boiled chicken egg, shell composed of calcium carbonate.

27.  Tiger’s eye egg, yellow-brown variety of the mineral quartz used in jewelry.

28.  Crude oil from Overton Co., TN

29.  Tree cross section with tree rings, maple tree.

30.  Quartz crystal, six parallel sides with point on end.

31.-39.  3 bolts, 3 nuts, 3 washers.