Dr. L’s


Underground mine and mill tour, Nyrstar Zinc Co., Gordonsville, TN

Underground mine and mill tour, Nyrstar Zinc Co., Gordonsville, TN


6 ton quartz crystal cluster, Hot Springs, Arkansas Annual Spring Field Trip (Note: baseball cap for scale)


Oil and gas production platform, Block 217, South Marsh Island, Offshore Louisiana, Annual Spring Field Trip


MSP Earth Science Field Trip Middle Point Landfill Walter Hill, Tennessee

Contact Information:

Dr. H. Wayne Leimer
Professor of Geology
Department of Earth Sciences
Campus Box 5062 (USPS)
815 Quadrangle Drive (UPS/FedEx)
Tennessee Tech University
Cookeville, TN 38505

email: HWLeimer@tntech.edu
phone: (931) 372-3522
FAX: (931) 372-3363
Office: Kittrell Hall(Rocklodge), Room 119

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