3D Printing

Raise 3D Pro2 3D Printer in the computer modeling laboratory.

The computer modeling lab is equipped with a Raise 3D Pro2 3D printer for printing models of small molecules, bio-molecules and proteins, and even various chemistry and biochemistry supplies for experiments. This printer is a dual-extrusion printer that is capable of handling two colors of filaments at the same time. The laboratory is stocked with PLA (Poly-Lactic Acid filament), but the printer can also handle other types of filament as needed. The printer is also equipped with a battery backup system for uninterrupted prints in the event of a power outage.

The MOE 2020 software and UCSF Chimera, available on the Linux workstations in the laboratory, are capable of generating the STereo Lithography (STL) files from chemistry models. These models can be built using the software, or downloaded from databases such as the Protein Data Bank (PDB). STL files can also be generated using additional 3D modeling software, such as Blender. The STL files can then be refined and sliced to the 3D printer’s gcode format using the Raise3D IdeaMaker software, also available.

This 3D printer is for the exclusive use of the Tennessee Tech Department of Chemistry and related research. The university offers 3D printing services for the campus community via the Tennessee Tech iMakerspace.

Please use this link for scheduling a block of time to print on the 3D printer in LSC 2335.

Contact Derek Cashman for more information on using this resource.