Student Clubs & Organizations
- Name: Association for Computing Machinery
- Purpose: ACM brings together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field’s challenges. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life‐long learning, career development, and professional networking.
- Organization Website:
- TnTech Website:
- Contact Information:
- Faculty Sponsor – Dr. Muhammad Ismail,
- Discord –
- Name: Association for Computing Machinery’s Council on Women in Computing
- Purpose: ACM-W supports, celebrates, and advocates internationally for the full engagement of women in all aspects of the computing field, providing a wide range of programs and services to ACM members and working in the larger community to advance the contributions of technical women.
- Organization Website:
- TnTech Website:
- Contact Information:
- Faculty Sponsor – Dr. Muhammad Ismail,
- Discord –
- Name: CyberEagles Club
- Purpose: The purpose of the CyberEagles Security Club is:
- To increase awareness about the importance of security.
- To increase awareness about security careers and opportunities for students.
- To present opportunities of informational sessions in both cyber offense and defense techniques and tools.
- To promote research in security.
- To help members network with peers and security professionals.
- TnTech Website:
- Contact Information:
- Faculty Sponsor – Dr. Ambareen Siraj,
- Discord –
WiCyS Student Chapter
- Name: Women in CyberSecurity Student Chapter
- Purpose: The WiCyS Student Chapter is dedicated to bringing women in cybersecurity together for professional development, technical skill training, and scholarship opportunities nationwide. Our overall goal is to further the advancement and retention of women studying cybersecurity on campus.
- Organization Website:
- TnTech Website:
- Contact Information:
- Faculty Sponsor – Dr. Ambareen Siraj,
- Discord –
Data Science League
- Name: Data Science League
- Purpose: To raise awareness, enhance knowledge, and promote research of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science.
- Website:
- (domain is available, website is down)
- (ttu webstie)
- Contact Info:
- Dr. Doug Talbert (
- Discord:
Graduate Student Club
- Name: Computer Science Graduate Student Club
- Purpose: The purpose of the Computer Science Graduate Student Club of Tennessee Technological University is to (1) increase awareness about research, (2) biweekly research seminar, (3) share research ideas and collaborate on projects, and (4) help members network with peers and professionals.
- Website:
- Contact Info:
- Dr. Sheikh Ghafoor (
- Dr. Doug Talbert (
- Dr. Bill Eberle (
- Discord:
Game Development Club
- Name: Game Development Club
- Purpose: To promote interest in game development, gather students interested in game development, network members of various talents, to offer instruction and resources to develop games, and to promote the creations of those members.
- Contact Information:
- Faculty Sponsor – Cyril Focht,
- Discord –
Autonomous Robotics Club (ARC)
- Name: Autonomous Robotics Club (ARC)
- Purpose: The TTU Automous Rootiucs club (ARC) exists as a center of collaboration at TTU for all things related to robotics. Specific club activities include: Participation in intercollegiate and local robotics competitions (e.g., Vex, AUVSI, ASME, local robotics competitions, drone racing, high altitude and in-space robots), skill building in develop robotics and autonomous machines, and professional outreach; hosting weeklong events during national robotics week, serving as team captains and coadvisors to FIRST Lego robotics clubs. ARC is also a home for developing strong social networks with others interests in the technical and social aspects of robotics.
- Contact Information:
- President-Mason Angel,
- Faculty Adviser: Stephen Canfield –
The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Name: The National Society of Black Engineers
- Purpose: to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.
- Website:
- Contact Information:
- President – Nate Coleman,
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Name: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- Purpose: SHPE changes lives by empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support, and development.
- Website: (in progress)
- Contact Information:
- President – Jackie Rodriguez,
- Facebook –
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Name: Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Purpose: To create a community for-and those who support-women in Engineering. Our meetings range from resume tips, to networking, to real workplace advice from professional women Engineers. As a member you have the opportunity to attend the annual National Conference to be a part of workshops and the largest career fair you will ever see! For more information, contact President Taylor Duncan (
- Faculty Adviser: Kris Craven-
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