Less than a year after the events surrounding yet more racial violence against African Americans, we are reminded that the effort to create inclusive and diverse communities needs to be part of a continuous process, and not just short-lived, one-time events. The recent violence and racism against Asian Pacific Islander Desi Americans (APIDA) and Asian individuals and communities is especially concerning to me given the number faculty and students that we have that are, indeed, from these communities. As a department, we are and have been committed to creation of a diverse and inclusive environment. This commitment is not limited to words but has been backed up by action which we are prepared to continue and expand upon as we strive to ensure the safety and well-being for all of us that call ourselves Golden Eagles. To be clear, anti-APIDA and anti-Asian racism and xenophobia is not and will not be tolerated in our halls, both physical and virtual. The rhetoric of hate goes against what we are as a department, college, and university, and we must make every effort to stand against such behavior.
As an APIDA individual that has personally been affected by discrimination, racism, and xenophobic behavior, I encourage anyone that experiences these forms of hate to seek out the resources available here on the campus. Below you will find a list of these resources and how to access them. These resources include counseling services, TN Ombudsman, the Office of Diversity, Multicultural Affairs, and the Tennessee Technological University Police Department.
The Department of Computer Science has long been working to develop an inclusive environment in which to study, work, and collaborate. I whole heartedly invite you to learn more about these efforts by visiting our Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s website (https://sites.tntech.edu/csc-diversity/) and attending the seminars that we provide every month that are intended to help build awareness of the many issues that are yet to be addressed. As I stated less than a year ago, our objectives when it comes to diversity and inclusion remain:
- To advocate for the full engagement, empowerment, and success of underrepresented groups in the Computer Science department and within the local community.
- To support the success of a diverse and inclusive culture and community.
- To actively recruit underrepresented students.
- To celebrate a diverse and inclusive culture and community.
- To provide outreach to underrepresented groups in our regional communities.
- To continually reflect on our successes and failures, and to identify and adopt the best practices for creating a diverse and inclusive environment.
I again call on all of us to take part in these activities, to remain ever vigilant, and to be thoughtful towards others as we walk together during our time here at Tennessee Technological University.

Dr. Gerald C. Gannod of us to take part in these activities, to remain ever vigilant, and to be Chair, Department of Computer Science others as we walk together during our time here at Harry C. Stonecipher Distinguished Professor
Resources Available
TN Tech Counseling Center
- Personal Counseling
- Crisis Services
- Premarital Counseling
- Workshops/Campus Outreach
- Consultation Services
- Community Providers & Other Referral Sources (Medication Management, Psychiatric, Additional Counseling)
Contact Information
- Phone: (931) 372-3331
- Email: counsel@tntech.edu
- Eagle Eye After Hours Crisis Hotline: (855) 206-8997
The State of Tennessee Ombudsman
- Gerald Papica – An Ombudsman is an official appointed by the government, who investigates complaints from private citizens against businesses, institutions, or other public entities.
- TCCY Ombudsman Program Director
- (615) 532-1572
- Gerlad.Papica@tn.gov
TN Tech Office of Title XI
- TTU Policy 142: Process for Filing Title VI Complaints
- Claims regarding discrimination or harassment based on race, color, or national origin.
- Compliance Officer: Greg Holt, gholt@tntech.edu
Multicultural Affairs
- The multicultural affairs office provides programs designed to encourage cultural awareness as well as educational opportunities outside the classroom. They offer academic counseling, scholarship information, the Multicultural Affairs Ambassador program, the R.A.C.E Mentoring Program and internships help to improve the academic performance and professional development of our students.
- Located in Roaden University Center (RUC) Room 258
- Phone: (931) 372-3392
- Email: MulticulturalAffairs@tntech.edu
Office of Diversity
- Resources that Tennessee Tech offers to provide a diverse and welcoming community:
- Diversity Scholarship Initiative
- Diversity Initiative Resources
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training
- Multicultural Affairs
- Window on the World
- International Education and Organizations
- Commission on the Status of Blacks
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Accessibility and ADA
- Diversity and Equity Access Council
- Women’s Center
TNTech University Police
The University Police Department is committed to providing the highest quality professional law enforcement and public safety services to the campus community.
- Tony C. Nelson, Chief of Tennessee Tech Police
- (931) 372-3234
- tnelson@tntech.edu
Tennessee Tech University publishes a clear and appropriate statement of student rights and responsibilities. The Student Handbook includes a comprehensive list of these rights and responsibilities and may be accessed online as referenced in new student orientation. In addition, students may access policies related to their rights and responsibilities through Tennessee The University’s Policy Central page.