Adaptive Risk Sensitive Path Integral for Model Predictive Control via Reinforcement Learning
We propose a reinforcement learning framework where an agent uses an internal nominal model for stochastic model predictive control (MPC) while compensating for a disturbance. Our work builds on the existing risk-aware optimal control with stochastic differential equations (SDEs) that aims to deal with such disturbance. However, the risk sensitivity and the noise strength of the nominal SDE in the risk-aware optimal control are often heuristically chosen. In the proposed framework, the risk-taking policy determines the behavior of the MPC to be risk-seeking (exploration) or risk-averse (exploitation). Specifically, we employ the risk-aware path integral control that can be implemented as a Monte-Carlo (MC) sampling with the fast parallel simulations using a GPU. The MC sampling implementations of the MPC have been successful in robotic applications due to its real-time computation capability. The proposed framework that adapts the noise model and the risk sensitivity outperforms the standard model predictive path integral in simulation environments that have disturbances.

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- Yoon, Hyung-Jin, et al. “Adaptive Risk Sensitive Path Integral for Model Predictive Control via Reinforcement Learning.” 2023 31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). IEEE, 2023.