Extra fee: $98.55
Instructor:Charlie Pardue
Office Number: 2880 Standing Stone Hwy, Cookeville, TN 38506
Office Phone: 931-498 – 2829
Email: cpardue@tntech.edu
Class Location & Time
Section | Location | Time |
PHED 1470-001 | MG 125 | M 3:00-4:20 |
Prerequisites: None
Office Hours: 9:00 to 4:00 Monday thru Saturday
PHED 1470-001 Handgun Safety and Familiarization 1 semester hour |
The mission of the College of Education at Tennessee Tech is to provide unique and rigorous, learner-centered academic experiences for our students to achieve their highest potential as life-long learners, professionals, and citizens.
The College of Education & Human Sciences will be an empowering force in education.
Conceptual Framework
The College of Education & Human Sciences prepares effective, engaging professionals through a clinically rich, evidence-based program with a network of mutually beneficial partnerships.
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is teach the safe handling of handguns and help prepare for a handgun carry permit
Required Texts:
BASICS OF PERSONAL PROTECTION INSIDE THE HOME by the National Rifle Association ISBN: 978-0-935998-79-5
Objectives of the Course:
By the end of the semester, the student should be able to:
- Handle a firearm safely.
- To hit an 11 ½ X 8 inch piece of paper at 7 yards 70% of the time
Major Teaching Methods: Lecture, discussion, application
Special Instructional Materials: Safety glasses.
Additional Resources
Technical Help
If you are experiencing technical problems, visit the myTech IT Helpdesk for assistance.
If you are having trouble with one of the instructional technologies (i.e. Zoom, Teams, Qualtrics, Respondus, or any technology listed here)visit the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) website or call 931-372-3675 for assistance.
For accessibility information and statements for our instructional technologies, visit the CITL’s Learner Success Resource page.
The university provides free tutoring to all Tennessee Tech students. Tutoring is available for any class or subject, as well as writing, test prep, study skills, and resume support. Appointments are scheduled, so contact the Learning Center website for more information.
Health and Wellness
Counseling Center
The Counseling Center offers brief, short-term, solution-focused therapeutic interventions for Tennessee Tech University students. The staff of the Counseling Center is available to assist students with their personal and social concerns in hopes of helping them achieve satisfying educational and life experiences. To learn more or schedule an appointment, visit the Counseling Center website.
Health Services
Health Services offers high-quality, affordable care that is accessible and promotes the health and wellness of our Tennessee Tech community. Visit the Health Services website to learn more.
Pandemic Protocols
Each student must take personal responsibility for knowing and following any University protocol related to pandemics and other public health events. Students are expected to follow all directives published by Tennessee Tech on its official webpage. As conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic change, the University’s COVID-19 protocols are also likely to change. Students are expected to monitor the University’s official webpage to stay up to date on public health protocols.
Course Procedures:
Class sessions will normally be conducted using lecture and group discussionand time on the shooting range In addition to lecture and discussions, group work, video presentations, and guest lecturers will be used to enhance the learning experience
Grading & Evaluation Procedures:
- Three exams (short-answer ) will be used to assess student ability to:
- Explain concepts of firearm safety.
- Students will also be evaluated on in-class activities and discussions that will require them to apply basic handgun shooting skills
Assignments | Grading Scale |
*Quizzes & Labs – 100 points | A = 90-100% |
Exam 1 – 25 points | B = 80-90 |
Exam 2 – 25 points | C = 70-80 |
Exam 3 – 25 points Attitude and participation 25 – points | D = 60-70 F = less than 60% |
I = Failure to pay fees | |
X = faiure to take an exam | |
*Number of points could change due to addition/deletion of quizzes & labs. |
Class Attendance:
College work proceeds at such a pace that regular attendance is necessary for each student to obtain maximum benefits from instruction. Regular and punctual attendance at all class and laboratory sessions is a student obligation, and each student is responsible for all the work, including tests and written work in all class and laboratory sessions. No right or privilege exists that permits a student to be absent from any given number of class or laboratory sessions except as stated in the syllabus for each course. At the same time, it is obvious that students have valid reasons for missing classes; the instructor is expected to be reasonable in the demands they place on students. Faculty who impose penalties for excessive absences must keep accurate attendance records. Student work schedules are entirely irrelevant to course attendance and/or completion of course assignments.
Absence Policy:
Attendance is expected.
EXPW departmental policy now states that: No food or drink other than water is allowed in the classroom. Any student who brings food or drink other than water will be asked to leave the class.
School Sponsored Activity:
All absences due to school sponsored activities which would include athletics (student-athletes, managers, trainers, etc.), field trips, student body, etc. will be excused with prior notification from the coach, professor, or governing body. However, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the professor before the absence to clarify any missed assignments, quizzes, or exams. All assignments, quizzes, and exams must be turned in or taken before the absence. NO assignments, quizzes, or exams will be accepted or allowed after the absence unless agreed upon by the instructor.
Classroom Atmosphere:
- All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner becoming mature adults and aspiring professionals. They are expected to take their assignments, class attendance, and class participation seriously.
- Students will not converse among themselves during class except when instructed to do so. When a student creates a disturbance in the classroom, the instructor will either ask the student to desist immediately or speak to the student at the conclusion of class. If the disturbances persist, the instructor retains the right to dismiss the student from the class meeting.
- No use of profanity at any time once you enter the classroom and during classroom discussions.
- Students will be issued a text book upon payment of extra class fee of $93.08
Cell Phones, Beepers, and Electronic Devices:
Cell phones, beepers, and all other electronic devices (except for opening up e-books) are to be turned OFF and PUT AWAY prior to the start of class. One disruption from a phone, beeper, or any other electronic device will result in dismissal from class. A second disruption (at any subsequent point during the semester) will result in dismissal from the class for the rest of the semester. Please step outside before class or after class if you have to make a call or otherwise use your cell phone.
Student Academic Misconduct Policy
Maintaining high standards of academic integrity in every class at Tennessee Tech is critical to the reputation of Tennessee Tech, its students, alumni, and the employers of Tennessee Tech graduates. The Student Academic Misconduct Policy describes the definitions of academic misconduct and policies and procedures for addressing Academic Misconduct at Tennessee Tech. For details, view the Tennessee Tech’s Policy 217 – Student Academic Misconduct at Policy Central.
All work submitted under your signature in this course is pledged as being your own work. This applies to quizzes, exams, and homework. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any student caught plagiarizing will be reported to the Chair of the EXPW department. The student could possibly receive an F in the course and/or be dismissed from the class permanently. Plagiarism
TTU Library Online Access:
The Tennessee Tech Library is available to all candidates enrolled at TTU. Links to the library materials (such as electronic journals, databases, interlibrary loans, digital reserves, dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, and librarian support) and Internet resources are available to complete assignments. To access the online databases, use your TTU PC Lab username and password. If you do not know your TTU username and password see the following: TTU Username & Password. More information on electronic media is available at the TTU Library TTU Library.
Copyright and Fair Use:
All projects created in this course should follow appropriate copyright and fair use guidelines. Additional information is available at: Copyright and Fair Use
Please note: TTU personnel may display your work created during the scope of this course during accreditation, conference presentations, workshops, and/or future classes.
Pandemic Plan:
Should normal classroom activities at your placement be disrupted by a pandemic outbreak, the format for this course may be modified to enable completion. In that event, new instructions for the continuation of the course will be provided (Source: TTU University Faculty Meeting, August 25, 2009).
Make-up Work:
If students are unable to attend class they will NOT be able make-up any work missed on that day which includes in-class activities, quizzes or exams unless the student discusses with the professor prior to the absence.
Inclement Weather Policy:
Tennessee Technological University does NOT generally cancel classes for inclement weather. Public announcements will be made if there is to be a closing, otherwise, class will be held according to the published schedule. Students are not to call Safety and Security or the President. Personal safety should be considered in any decision to travel to class during inclement weather conditions. If classes are not cancelled despite inclement weather, students are responsible for any academic work they miss as a result of inclement weather. Instructor will e-mail as early as possible if classes are cancelled due to weather.
Fire Safety:
The fire exit for MG 112 is out the classroom door; turn left or right and go out the glass doors straight ahead.
Privacy Policy:
In compliance with the college and federal regulations, without specific college directive, the instructor is not permitted to discuss a student’s course status or grade with any third party, including parents, guardians, or relatives. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. Among them is the right to consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interest. A school official is a person employed by the college; a person or company with whom the college has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another university official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his/her professional responsibilities. Upon request, the college discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
Disability Accommodation:
Students with a disability requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS). An Accommodation Request (AR) should be completed as soon as possible, preferably by the end of the first week of the course. The ODS is located in the Roaden University Center, Room 112; phone 372-6119. For details, view the Tennessee Tech’s Policy 340 – Services for Students with Disabilities at Policy Central.
Email Policy:
Email correspondence with Mr. Pardue should take place through cpardue@tntech.edu.
PHED 1470-001 Handgun Safety and Familiarization for Fitness and Wellness
Course Schedule (Tentative and subject to change)
(printable copy of class schedule)
Schedule: Handgun Monday
01 / 27 / 25 1 Orientation. at TTU in the MG room 125
02 / 03 2 Tennessee laws (by law enforcement personnel). Bring two questions on you and handguns in Tennessee for discussion.
02 / 10 3 Gun familiarization. This and the rest of the classes will be at The Bend of the River. 1 0 miles north of the campus on highway 136 (north Washington Ave. Out past the new high school). If you pass Hardy’s Chapel Fire Dept., STOP and turn around. You have gone 2 miles too far. Map to Bend of the River. ** Chapter 1, page 3, Chapter 20 page 183.
02 / 17 4 Alternatives to shooting – live fire. ** Chapter 5
02 / 24 5 1/3 term exam
03 / 03 6 Cleaning and reloading – And live fire. ** Appendix A page 203
03 / 10 7 Ammunition -live fire. ** Chapter 21 page 189
03 / 17 to 21 SPRING BREAK No Class
03 / 24 8. Introduction to basic competitive shooting. ** Page 111
03 / 31 9 1/3 term exam.
04 / 07 10 Fundamentals of shooting Chapter 7 page 37 , Review – live fire
04 / 14 11 Review Live fire Big Guns
04 / 21 12 Shoot state course of fire.
04 / 28 13 /3 term exam (final for this class)
*Class Schedule may change depending on weather, etc.
Additional Links:
- Charlies Other handgun permit classes
- for Handgun Information
- Application number link
- for Reciprocity
- for Handgun related Laws
- for Tennessee Code/Laws
- Here are new changes for 2017 -Information on New Legislation YOU REALLY NEED TO READ THIS
- Range Safety Rules to be reviewed by the handgun classes. (You may want to print this)
- Beer is not an alcoholic beverage.
- Ways of Personal Protection
- Traveling with firearms on air planes. by the Transportation Security Administration
- NRA-ILA | Guide To The Interstate Transportation
- The armed woman and handguns a good page for beginners
copy of agreement for printing
PHED 1470-001 Handgun Safety and Familiarization
Instructor: Charlie Pardue
I have read the entire course syllabus for this class. I understand that there is an extra fee for this class of $98.55 payable to the Bend of the River. This fee covers use of firearms and ammunition, and ear protection I will provide suitable safety eye protection. I fully understand the class policies, assignments, requirements, and expectations. I agree to all the terms of this class and I will follow all the directions, duties, and responsibilities set forth in the course syllabus and by the instructor of this course. If I do not follow these directions, duties, and responsibilities, I agree to accept the consequences for my actions and fully understand that I will be held accountable. I also understand that the syllabus for this course does not set forth all of the rules and policies of the Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education, and Wellness program. I understand that, throughout the semester, the instructor of this course will establish and explain additional rules and policies. By signing below, I agree to follow all of the written and unwritten rules and policies of the Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education, and Wellness program at Tennessee Technological University.
Student Name
__________________________________________ __________________
Student Signature Date
Confirmed: _________________________________ ____________________
Charlie Pardue Date