Archery Course Contract


(printable copy)

PHED 1040-001 Archery

Instructor: Charlie Pardue

I have read the entire course syllabus for this class. I understand that there is an extra fee for this class of $87.60 payable to the Bend of the River. This fee covers use of Bows, arrows and other tackle.   I fully understand the class policies, assignments, requirements, and expectations. I agree to all the terms of this class and I will follow all the directions, duties, and responsibilities set forth in the course syllabus and by the instructor of this course. If I do not follow these directions, duties, and responsibilities, I agree to accept the consequences for my actions and fully understand that I will be held accountable. I also understand that the syllabus for this course does not set forth all of the rules and policies of the Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education, and Wellness program. I understand that, throughout the semester, the instructor of this course will establish and explain additional rules and policies. By signing below, I agree to follow all of the written and unwritten rules and policies of the Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education, and Wellness program at Tennessee Technological University.

Student Name _______________________________

Student Signature    _________________       Date: ________

Confirmed: ________________________________

Charlie Pardue                                                                                    Date ________