Wilson Gichuhi-PI
Postdoc, JILA and University of Colorado Boulder, 2011-2015
Ph.D, Physical Chemistry, Wayne State University, Detroit, 2011
Research Interests:
- Atmospheric Spectroscopy of Reactive and Non-reactive Trace Gases in the Atmosphere
- Negative Ion Photoelectron spectroscopy of Aromatic Radical Anions
CHEM 3510 – Physical Chemistry I (Quantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy, and Intro. to Statistical Mechanics)
CHEM 3520 – Physical Chemistry II (Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics)
CHEM 3520 and CHEM 3520 P-Chem Labs Instructor and Coordinator
CHEM 6320 – Advanced Physical Chemistry (Advanced Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, Statistical Mechanics, and Modern Experimental Techniques in Physical Chemistry)
CHEM 5970- Special Topics in Quantum Chemistry
CHEM 4970 – Special Topics: Introduction to Astrochemistry
CHEM 3500- Elements of Physical Chemistry (A One Semester Overview of Physical Chemistry)
CHEM 6970 – Advanced Special Topics (Astrochemistry)
EVSC 7990 – Advanced Special Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrochemistry
CHEM 1120- General Chemistry II

Nolan White- B.S in Chemical Engineering, 2023
Incoming Masters Student-Electroanalytical and Negative Ion spectroscopy of Quinone Radical Anions

Aidan Usher- B.S in Chemical Engineering- 2023
Negative Ion Spectroscopic Studies of Cyanoanthracene Radical Anions

Jonathan Dupuy-B.S Chemistry
Infrared and Negative Ion Photoelectron Spectroscopic Studies of Isoprene Oxidation Reactions

Kie Workman-B.S Chemical Engineering, 2023
Electroanalytical and Negative Ion Photoelectron Spectroscopic of Organic Mixed Valence States in Dinitrobenzene Radical Anions

Rebecca Firth-B.S Chemistry, 2023
Negative Ion Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Deprotonated Mono and DicyanoBenzenes

Dushmantha N. Koku Hannadige Abeysooriya, Ph.D. EVS (Chemistry Concentration), Erasmus Mundus Scholar Alumni
Fundamental Infrared and Photoelectron Spectroscopic Studies of Isoprene and Other Volatile Organic Non-Methane Hydrocarbons