Current Students:
Ph.D. Students:
1. Thomas Hines
Research Concentration: High-Performance Dense Linear Algebra Library for Machine Learning (NSF Grant)
2. Md. Bulbul Sharif
Research Concentration: Architecture Agnostics Performance Portable framework for Structured Grid Applications (ORNL Flood Grant)
3. Sheikh Rabiul Islam (Jointly with William Eberle)
Research Concentration: Data Mining
MS Students:
1. Andrew Craig
Research Concentration: Secure Co-Location of Untrusted Application in HPC Cluster (SFS)
2. Jordan Johnson
Research Concentration: Software Framework for Hybrid Testbed for CAN protocol(SFS)
3. Derek Schafer
Research Concentration: Fault Aware Message Passing Interface
4. Connor Gannon
Research Concentration: Development of Highly Secure Environment for Health Data Computation (SFS)
5. Kathrine Burks
Research Concentration: Network Intrusion Detecting Using FPGA (Switched from Ambareen) (SFS)
6. Zishan Ahmed Onik
Research Concentration: High-Performance Computing
7. Prajjwal Kandel
Research Concentration: Secure Co-Location of Untrusted Application in HPC Cluster (NASA, doing MS thesis under William Eberle)
Past Students:
Ph.D. Students:
1. Ryan Marshall
Research Concentration: High-Performance Computing
MS Students:
1. Md. Nazmul Islam (Graduated Spring 2013)
2. John Hale (Graduated Spring 2014)
3. Joseph Tatarczuk (Graduated Spring
4. Dustin Gardner (Graduated Spring 2017)
5. Sheikh Rabiul Islam (Graduated Spring 2018)
5. Md. Mosharaf Hossain (Graduated Fall 2018)
Research Concentration: Flexible-block Partitioning for Parallel Matrix Multiplication Routines In Shared Memory Environment For the Edge Case Matrices.
5. Md. Arman Ullah (Graduated Fall 2018)