Instrumentation and Equipment

Laboratory Instruments

Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer – Bay Instruments

Discrete Nutrient Autoanalyzer and Digestion Block – Seal AQ400 and AA500

Fluorometers – Turner Designs Trilogy and AquaFlour Handheld

Spectrophotometer – Thermo Gynesis 10UV

TOC/TN Analyzer – Shimadzu

Fourier Transform Infrared Microscope – Bruker Lumos

FlowCam Imaging Flow Cytometer – Fluid Imaging Technologies

Abraxis ELISA Algal Toxin Analyzer

Fluorescence Microscope and Imaging System – Nikon

Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope – Lieca

Dissecting and Compound microscopes

Large Incubators – Percival

Muffle Furnace and Drying Ovens

Automated Water samplers (11) – ISCO

Field equipment:

4 passenger all-terrain vehicle. (Wendy the Wetlander)

Standard stream, lake, and wetland sampling and monitoring equipment including nets, schinder trap, kemmerer samplers, light meters, flow meters, 2 MiniDot oxygen and temperature loggers, Secchi disks, many handheld YSI multiparamter meters, boats, and much more.