A research, teaching, and training facility within Tennessee Tech's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
A research, teaching, and training facility within Tennessee Tech's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Meet the Team


Craig Henderson, Ph.D., P.E.

CCBIM Founder, Professor of Civil Engineering

Research Interests: Masonry; concrete and steel testing and design; structural dynamics and earthquake engineering; computational structural modeling.

931-372-3062 | chenderson@tntech.edu 

Professional Profile


Sam Fisher Sam has his Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering, and he is pursuing a Master’s in Structural Engineering with Dr. Henderson. For his graduate work, he has installed seismic sensors on the Ashraf Islam Engineering Building and is currently testing these sensors. He helps write the BIM course material and teach our class.

Gracey Cobble Gracey is an undergraduate in Civil Engineering at Tech. She helps with BIM coursework, helps teach the BIM class, and manages the CCBIM website.

Jackson Meadows Jackson is a graduate student at Tennessee Tech. He received his Bachelor’s from Tech and is now pursuing a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering. He will be helping teach the BIM Class in the Spring.

Abby Fox Abby is an undergraduate student in Civil Engineering at Tennessee Tech. She is currently helping with BIM coursework and will help teach the BIM class in the Spring.